Monday, 26 August 2013

UK Police on Twitter: Followers, Tweets, References at 26 Aug 13 by Mike Downes

Police used a whistle and a wooden ratchet for alerts
The curious case of the Daily References per Tweet per 1,000 followers

I haven't posted about the UK Police in a while, so here's an area of study. This post follows on from 60 News Orgs on Twitter (with a similar idea).

This post is short. Simple idea, you tweet, get some followers and get mentioned once in a while. You change what you can like number of tweets you make.

And hope for a few things like getting more followers, retweets and mentions. Oh and getting your message out to those who need it - especially in the case of the UK Police.

There is a data sheet and six charts (a few labels this time, so have a look around for yourself). Some cells are highlighted.

What the data shows Of the 49 UK Police forces, the average tweets per day is 8.65 (with Sussex making 37.6 and West Mids 32.6).

A Reference is when an account name gets a retweet, a reply or a name mention. Average is 78.86 a day with The Met getting 697 and West Mids 431.

The next four columns could be helpful or meaningless depending on how hard you think. If your intention is to tweet to your followers, expect no interaction - then stop reading here.

If you are curious on how many tweets you need to make in order to get a reference, then that's Followers by Daily Refs and Refs by Followers ie Befordshire Police get a ref every 132 followers.

The Met get 124 references for every tweet they make. Across all forces, it seems you get 10 references for every tweet you make.

I have included a test area (which I have published as a separate sheet). Just take a copy before you edit and play. 


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