Saturday, 29 July 2017

How to Shop at Decathlon in a fast paced world - In store Online Desktop Mobile Web App Part Two

quechua softshell jacket and moto g4
with decathlon app start screen

This post is Part Two in the Decathlon series. Missed Part One, it’s called Help People Cope with and Access the Modern World, Case Study Decathlon (read it here).

In Part One, you’ll find a backstory on how people (in this case me), found out about Decathlon in about 2001 way before the web and online gripped the planet. Hence the title, cope with and access the modern world as the customer and we as people have many search and buying decisions to make whether physical or virtual.

Friday, 28 July 2017

Help People Cope with and Access the Modern World - Case Study Decathlon Part One

quechua old school camping headtorch, circa 2009?
This post is part one of a set of two or three.

Across networks on the internet my name as Mike Downes is followed by a few words namely, ‘help people cope with an access the modern world’. My twitter bio is on the right.

I really don't expect people to pay attention to that, yet it has a meaning for me underlying most of my motivations for making videos and helping people learn.

Friday, 21 July 2017

The VR180 Resource Page - Making Thinking Watching

yellow areas are visbile on camera
On 22 June 2017 at VidCon, YouTube announced this new thing called VR180 Virtual Reality 180 (blog post). We also know YouTube announced a new way to see and share 360 video on 13 March 2015 (blog post).

On first hearing about VR180, I was like, 'it should be 120 degrees, but hey 360 halved is 180, so a fair compromise.

Friday, 7 July 2017

West Midlands Police NPAS Live Video to facebook and twitter periscope

On Thursday 6 July 2017, Chief Inspector Kerry Blakeman and NPAS hosted the fifth episode of #WMPLive with quite a special set of broadcasts spread across Facebook and Twitter/Periscope.

The National Police Air Service NPAS, which has fifteen bases in the UK, provides air support to the 43 police forces in the UK.

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