Mike Downes - Sep 13, 2011 - Public
My comment on Sarah's original post..
From my viewpoint (on my laptop), I had streaming live cast on one screen, live YouTube and a G+ browser open. It totally blew me away as a learning curve. To feel an intricate part of the show and feel so included in the show's production. And that was just as a viewer.
Then the backstage in Sarah's office was sublime with coworker's, bosses and people dropping by. Have I just witnessed a real News room or a fictional drama set in a news room? News is the story and so are the real people who produce it. For example, the smiles on +Jen Reeves face to name but one.
And thanks for the hangout and straight talking with +Angie Bailey too.
From my viewpoint (on my laptop), I had streaming live cast on one screen, live YouTube and a G+ browser open. It totally blew me away as a learning curve. To feel an intricate part of the show and feel so included in the show's production. And that was just as a viewer.
Then the backstage in Sarah's office was sublime with coworker's, bosses and people dropping by. Have I just witnessed a real News room or a fictional drama set in a news room? News is the story and so are the real people who produce it. For example, the smiles on +Jen Reeves face to name but one.
And thanks for the hangout and straight talking with +Angie Bailey too.

an incredible experience with U_News tonight! Google Plus Hangout
guests from around the world co-hosted our newscast. A guest from
France gave his account of the blast at the nuclear plant. A guest from
Italy shared how G+ Hangout is enabling him to get news....and a guest
from New York shared the mood in his city the day after the 9/11
anniversary. The Hangout technology worked beautifully and we even had
viewers questioning whether the people on the news were "really from
France, Italy and Canada". We will get video of today's U_News show
posted shortly. Thanks to our co-hosts for being part of broadcast
history! A new set of co-hosts will join us tomorrow. In all....we'll
have about 50 different Hangout guests each week. 100 if +Dave Schmidt
's Hangout is full. Want to be part of this conversation? Join some of
our recorded public Hangouts about 2:00 pm Monday-Friday and let us get
to know U. You can also hang with +Angie Bailey during the 5pm CST news. +Michael Mozart +Kempton Lam +pio dal cin +Jen Reeves +Chad LaFarge +Aaron Fuhrman +Joseph Puglisi +Kim Beasley +Laurent Jean Philippe Ravalec

More photos from Sarah Hill

Sep 13, 2011

Sep 13, 2011

Sep 13, 2011
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